Showing posts with label male impotence cures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label male impotence cures. Show all posts

Natural Impotence Remedies For Men

A recently completed study into male impotence cures has shown yet more proof of the link between zinc and the production of sperm. Natural impotence remedies for men have long been sought after and after a recent clinical study at the University of California, scientists there believe they may have cracked it.

A group of 100 men were given a daily supplement of "Folic Acid" and "Zinc Sulphate" in order to assess the effect it had on spermatogenesis. The scientific research team found that these two substances significantly increased the amount of sperm concentration being created in sub-fertile men.

Although the mechanisms that take place involved in the concentration of sperm are still not yet clear and will require further research, it is quite apparent that Folic Acid and Zinc can help men who are less fertile so they can go on to conceive children. Men interested in achieving the same effects of this study should consider taking a Folic Acid and Zinc supplements for a period of around 26 weeks, which mirrors the period over which the recent study was conducted.

A daily supplementation of 5 mg's of Folic Acid and 66 mg's of Zinc Sulphate is considered safe, since none of those men who took part in this study reported any treatment effects. This therefore means that you can safely consume your own daily intake of minerals and vitamins, although consult your GP or doctor if you currently suffer from any ailments.

It's also advisable to do a sperm test at the beginning, middle and end of your supplementation of Zinc and Folic Acid treatment in order to record any change in the concentration of your sperm. If you are interested in some of the latest medicines available online as they tend to be cheaper than offline products as the manufacturers avoid the retail costs - Zinc is one of the key ingredients in some of the most popular penis "semen boosting pills".

They can help you steadily increase your sperm volume, and aside from Zinc, these pills also contain:
Reishi Mushrooms
These all help cure male impotence and offer natural impotence remedies which serve to improve the flow of blood to the pubic area and the hormonal and vascular systems in order to increase the quantity of sperm produced by your body.